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For As The Rains Come Down, And The Snow From Heaven, And Returneth Not Thither, But Watereth The Earth, And Maketh It Bring Forth And Bud, So That It May Give Seed To The Sower, and Bread To The Eater - So Shall My Word Be That Goeth Forth Out Of My Mouth: It Shall Not Return Unto Me Void, But It Shall Accomplish That Which I Please, And It Shall Prosper In The Thing Whereto I Sent It. Isaiah 55:10-11
Had you spent any time with my father, and listened to him speak, you know he enjoyed telling stories and teaching others. Growing up, we would travel across the city or often around the country to lecture at churches or other civic organizations about the Gideon's International.
My father would step up to the podium, look across the audience and begin with the scripture above.
It continues to move me to this day when reading or hearing those words spoken. And John took those words to heart. He believed that it was his calling to plant the seed of the word of God to all parts of the world, and he found his calling with the Gideon's.
If you are unfamiliar, the Gideon's are the ones who place bibles in hotels and motels, and I can recall countless testimonials that my father spoke of about people who where searching for hope, and often at a time when no one else could offer them hope. But by simply having God's Word available to them, they opened their hearts to God and miracles happened.
John and Elva became involved in the local "Camp" and both held positions of leadership over the years. As John continued to speak and lead, he was recognized more and more throughout the state of Colorado. His quiet but firm demeanor made him a good leader for the organization, and with his skills as a teacher, he was able to show others how a simple donation can touch the lives of people when they need it the most.
From travelling to State and National conventions, to an exciting trip to South Korea, John gave countless thousands of New Testaments to people. In fact, his actions became so second nature, that their granddaughter, when growing up, would often stop John and Elva when they were out at local restaurants, and tell them - "Grampa - do you need a testament to give to the waitress?"
After living in High Point for several years and as John's health deteriorated, their involvement in local distributions and camp meetings became more sporadic, but up until the day he could no longer look at his email, John would go through the Gideons International Emails that came from the Tarheel Camp.
This was a passion for John and Elva and if you would like to donate in his honor - your gift to the Gideons will help put God's Word in a hand in need.
John Mays