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John Mays loved his family.

He was known to most as a smart and determined parent, yet to those he came in contact with, he was a gentle and joyful soul.

John has always been a light in a dark world toward family and to so many others who have crossed his path during his lifetime. 

His family, although spread throughout the states, was a large part of John's life.  After leaving most of his childhood family when graduating from college, he made friends and family in his new life in Colorado.

From building his house in the mountains, to moving to Wheat Ridge and finally settling in High Point, the friends he made have now become his extended family.  There are too many people and too many adventures to list on this brief account, but if you were part of his life, you became a part of his family.

This held true, not only for his students, but for the faculty and staff of both the University and the Bureau.


John Mays grew up in Texas and has many stories with his sister Martha and Ella.  John and Martha compiled a book of stories about growing up and all the adventures they had both separately and together. 

Their collection of stories, "Musings and Memories" was given to family members in July of 2019 and told of adventures growing up in the Jasper house, from swimming in the pool, to washing dishes, John and Martha created quite a pair growing up.

Mays-Woytek Family


John went to college at Lamar University after graduating high school in 11th grade (there was no 12th grade back then).  And during college, his head was turned by a young lady, Elva Woytek.  Elva was the daughter of a Lutheran pastor and was busy with church choir and other choral activities.  Yet it seemed friends of both John and Elva had the good sense to get them together and they met at an Opera Event in Beaumont, Texas.  Although I'd like to say - that's the end of the story, in truth it was only the beginning.  After dating for ALMOST a year, John and Elva were married and began their lives together.  While continuing to teach, John was "wooed" by the University of Colorado, to continue his education and his teaching career in the feild of Civil Engineering.  Thus we begin a new chapter. 


John and Elva moved to Colorado, and he continued to teach while completing his Masters and Doctorate in Civil Engineering.  They adopted a young toe-haired child, and made plans to move "into the hills".

So after officially accepting a position at the University of Colorado - School of Engineering, John and Elva moved to Coal Creek Canyon in the foothills of Denver Colorado and built their mountain retreat.

With John's engineering prowess and A LOT of hard work (including stihl chainsaws) their mountain home became a reality.  They continued to build their family by adopting a little girl and completing their small family at the time. 

This was an adventurous time of John's life.  There are many memories of ski trips throughout Colorado and joyous occasions of home made ice cream and grilled bratwurst.   John and Elva also became involved with the Gideon's International and this would open up a whole new world for the couple and their family.

John R Mays


John continued his teaching career and started teaching at the Denver campus of CU.  This put John on the road for many hours and he became quite efficient at driving and getting around.  This was put to the test as John moved up the ranks of the Colorado Gideons, and ultimately became the president of the State.  The Gideons are self supported and raise money to put bibles into motels/hotels and pretty much anyone with a hand.  So John not only took care of the State, but became a speaker to churches and organizations who wanted to learn more about this wonderful organization.  His prowess at being a teacher was a perfect segway to teaching others about the Gideons and he started speaking nationwide.  This required SIGNIFICANT travel, and for a young working couple there was NO WAY they could fly to these events.  Thus, the Volkswagon Bus and family trips began.  John would pack up the car,  and Elva would pack up the kids, and early in the morning on MANY Friday Nights or Saturday Mornings, John would point the VW Bus on the way to the next adventure.  Driving around the entire state of  Colorado was not enough, and soon he was driving the family from the West Coast - ALMOST to the east coast (well, New Jersey was about as east as he got - at least that I remember).  But on Sunday morning, wearing his suit and Gideon pin, he would speak at churches, both small and large, and tell them how they could help with getting God's Word into the hands of people around the globe. Â